Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica

The museum, which offers a rich documentation on the realisations of thoughts and technology, is composed of 3 complexes:
a) The Monumentale building, sited in an ancient 6th century monastery.
b) The Railway Building, which holds in a single massive building 21 locomotives and trains of various epochs displayed on five rails.
c) The air and water transport building, which holds the command bridge of the "conte Biancamano" and the school ship "Ebe".                                 

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Natural history Museum
Museo di Storia Naturale

Natural history museum
Over 2 millions bugs, 30 thousand birds, 26 thousand minerals, 100 thousand fossils and a massive specialised library: this is just a small selection of the exhibits at the oldest civic museum in Milan.

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Museo di Storia Contemporanea
Museo di Storia Contemporanea

Trent'anni di storia italiana (1914-1945) in dieci sale attraverso 2000 "pezzi": manoscritti, diari, giornali, manifesti, bollettini, fotografie e cimeli di vario genere.

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Museum of Milan
Museo di Milano

Paintings and illustrations (from 1600 to the first half of our century).
A visual history of the city.

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Museum of "La scala"
Museo Teatrale alla Scala

Opened in 1913, the museum gives a documentation of the birth of the theater, its history and its development. It has recently been completely restored and reopened in 2004 with a new expositive journey by Luigi Pizzi.

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Pinacoteca di Brera
Pinacoteca di Brera

 One of the most famous national galleries worldwide.
Italian masterpieces from the 14th to the 20th century.                                                                                                                                                           

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Museum  Poldi Pezzoli
Museo Poldi Pezzoli

Precious testimonials of a private collection developed during the last century, the pinacoteque preserves paintings of incredible value such as "Madonna" by Botticelli, a "Laguna" by Guardi, the "Ritratto di giovane dama" by Pollaiolo the "Sacra Famiglia" by Fra' Bartolomeo and the one of Pinturicchio.

 Duomo Museum
Museo del Duomo

Contains the most vivid documentation of the origins and the most important phases of the famous building, the most singular testimonials of its long life: drawings, projects, attachments, etc.

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